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System Integration

Our system is fully integrated with many of the large platform and ISP. It brings you a easy way to share information across popular Web platforms and integrate our system to your existing application. The goal of the system integration is to let the applications you are using to communicate with our system and you enjoy the convenience and save your time.
Integration with Google Apps
Business are migrating there application to the cloud. Cloud computing allows customers to access the application and data held in scalable data centers remotely over the Internet from anywhere.
Google's web-based email and collaboration apps require no hardware or software and need minimal administration, creating tremendous time and cost savings for businesses. Most important, it has a free edition for the small and medium enterprise.
Our application is integrated into Google Apps. To use our system with your Google Apps, you should have your Google Apps administration right. Please go to the Google Apps marketplace and add our application into your Google Apps account.
Web Apps connected
Filling a form, validate the information and the email address, submit, memorizing the login name and password, when you forgot your password, request us to reset it. It's not easy to register and manage an user account, and even worse in dozens of it.
When we know that you already have a Facebook, Twitter, or probably Gmail, Hotmail and dozens of Internet login accounts, we have no reason to bother you to fill one more form for us. Skip the registration procedure and directly logon with your existing account from the followings:



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